Open Third Eye

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“How do I know if my third eye is open?” This is a question I hear and see often. The simple answer to this question is you will know and not have to ask.

However, with much conflicting information from various sources it can be very confusing to know if your third eye is activated and opening.

This article will outline some ways you can tell if your 3rd eye is open.

The third eye or first eye, also known as the brow or ajna chakra, is the 6th energy center in the 7 major chakra system.

The major lesson of the brow chakra is discerning truth from illusion. The illusion is everything is physical and tangible.

The truth is reality is more energy and open space than solid. This is why the 3rd eye is known for being a major player when it comes to spiritual and psychic experiences.

There are many levels to third eye activity ranging from simple intuition to traveling to other dimensions of reality.

Depending on past life work and current spiritual practices, the variance of levels will be different for each person. This article will provide some general things to look for to know if your third eye is open and working properly.

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